7.6. Creating a zone system based on Hex Bins

On this example we show how to create a hex bin zones covering an arbitrary area.

We use the Nauru example to create roughly 100 zones covering the whole modelling area as delimited by the entire network

You are obviously welcome to create whatever zone system you would like, as long as you have the geometries for them. In that case, you can just skip the Hex bin computation part of this notebook.

We also add centroid connectors to our network to make it a pretty complete example

What we want to create a zoning system like this

from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

img = Image.open("plot_create_zoning.png")
plot create zoning


<matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x7f18ff9f0d10>

# Imports

from uuid import uuid4
from tempfile import gettempdir
from os.path import join
from math import sqrt
from shapely.geometry import Point
import shapely.wkb
from aequilibrae.utils.create_example import create_example

We create an empty project on an arbitrary folder

fldr = join(gettempdir(), uuid4().hex)

# Let's use the Nauru example project for display
project = create_example(fldr, "nauru")

We said we wanted 100 zones

zones = 100

Hex Bins using SpatiaLite

### Spatialite requires a few things to compute hex bins

One of the them is the area you want to cover

network = project.network

# So we use the convenient network method convex_hull() (it may take some time for very large networks)
geo = network.convex_hull()

The second thing is the side of the hexbin, which we can compute from its area The approximate area of the desired hexbin is

zone_area = geo.area / zones
# Since the area of the hexagon is **3 * sqrt(3) * side^2 / 2**
# is side is equal to  **sqrt(2 * sqrt(3) * A/9)**
zone_side = sqrt(2 * sqrt(3) * zone_area / 9)

Now we can run an sql query to compute the hexagonal grid There are many ways to create Hex bins (including with a GUI on QGIS), but we find that using SpatiaLite is a pretty neat solution For which we will use the entire network bounding box to make sure we cover everything

extent = network.extent()

curr = project.conn.cursor()
b = extent.bounds
    "select st_asbinary(HexagonalGrid(GeomFromWKB(?), ?, 0, GeomFromWKB(?)))",
    [extent.wkb, zone_side, Point(b[2], b[3]).wkb],
grid = curr.fetchone()[0]
grid = shapely.wkb.loads(grid)

Since we used the bounding box, we have WAY more zones than we wanted, so we clean them by only keeping those that intersect the network convex hull.

grid = [p for p in grid if p.intersects(geo)]

# Let's re-number all nodes with IDs smaller than 300 to something bigger as to free space to our centroids to go from 1
# to N
nodes = network.nodes
for i in range(1, 301):
    nd = nodes.get(i)
    nd.renumber(i + 1300)

Now we can add them to the model And add centroids to them while we are at it

zoning = project.zoning
for i, zone_geo in enumerate(grid):
    zone = zoning.new(i + 1)
    zone.geometry = zone_geo
    # None means that the centroid will be added in the geometric point of the zone
    # But we could provide a Shapely point as an alternative

# Centroid connectors

for zone_id, zone in zoning.all_zones().items():
    # We will connect for walk, with 1 connector per zone
    zone.connect_mode(mode_id="w", connectors=1)

    # And for cars, for cars with 2 connectors per zone
    # We also specify the link types we accept to connect to (can be used to avoid connection to ramps or freeways)
    zone.connect_mode(mode_id="c", link_types="ytrusP", connectors=2)

    # This takes a few minutes to compute, so we will break after processing the first 10 zones
    if zone_id >= 10:


/home/runner/work/aequilibrae/aequilibrae/aequilibrae/project/network/connector_creation.py:75: UserWarning: We have fewer possible nodes than required connectors for zone 1. Will connect all of them.
  warn(f"We have fewer possible nodes than required connectors for zone {zone_id}. Will connect all of them.")

Let’s add an special generator zones We also add a centroid at the airport terminal

nodes = project.network.nodes

# Let's use some silly number for its ID, like 10,000, just so we can easily differentiate it
airport = nodes.new_centroid(10000)
airport.geometry = Point(166.91749582, -0.54472590)

# When connecting a centroid not associated with a zone, we need to tell AequilibraE what is the initial area around
# the centroid that needs to be considered when looking for candidate nodes
# Distance here is in degrees, so 0.01 is equivalent to roughly 1.1km
airport.connect_mode(airport.geometry.buffer(0.01), mode_id="c", link_types="ytrusP", connectors=1)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 33.518 seconds)

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