.. AequilibraE documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jul 6 17:02:38 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. AequilibraE =========== AequilibraE is the first comprehensive Python package for transportation modeling, and it aims to provide all the resources not easily available from other open-source packages in the Python (NumPy, really) ecosystem. If you are looking for the documentation for AequilibraE for QGIS, you can see it on its own webpage `aequilibrae for QGIS 3 `__ Examples ======== Skip the *blah-blah-blah* and go straight to the point: :ref:`sphx_glr__auto_examples` or to :ref:`getting_started` if you are new to Python or are having trouble with Spatialite Contents ======== .. sectnum:: .. toctree:: :numbered: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: overview gettingstarted project modeling path_computation_engine api _auto_examples/index softwaredevelopment roadmap qgis Note to users ============= AequilibraE is developed by a small but dedicated team of professionals without any funding or profit from this work, so if your organization is making use of AequilibraE, please consider funding some of the new developments or maintenance of the project. **We appreciate if you do not send questions directly to the developers**, but there are two alternatives for support: 1. Posting your question to `StackOverflow `_ 2. Joining the `AequilibraE Google Group `_ and sending your question there. Aequilibrae **does not have paid support** but if you are looking to hire its developers for specific projects or to **fund AequilibraE's** development, please e-mail the developers at contact@aequilibrae.com. Version history =============== AequilibraE has been evolving quite fast, so we recommend you upgrading to a newer version as soon as you can. In the meantime, you can find the documentation for all versions since 0.5.3. * `0.5.3 `_ * `0.6.0 `_ * `0.6.1 `_ * `0.6.2 `_ * `0.6.3 `_ * `0.6.4 `_ * `0.7.0 `_